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Duty Drawback

Drawback is the refund of certain duties, internal revenue taxes and certain fees collected upon the importation of goods. Such refunds are only allowed upon the exportation or destruction of goods under U.S. Customs and Border Protection supervision.

In some instances you may be able to recover up to 99% of the monies paid on previous imports if they meet CBP's criteria for Drawback. As well, drawback can be retroactive back three years, allowing to potentially claim a large amount of duties and taxes back you may have previously paid. This could translate to 10's or even 100's of thousands of dollars recovered to your bottom line depending on the value, items and number of imports you have.

There are criteria for qualifying and setting a drawback program up, and ACF can both set the program up with you and manage the drawback from original import to export. Our process is electronic, allowing you to receive drawback funds quickly, maintain accurate records, and provide audit information as needed.